Monday, 1 June 2015

The End is Here!!

I'm finished! It's done, it's over, it's ended.

I'm talking about college, of course. That's right guys, today I finished my final exam and that concludes my time at Rotherham College. It has been a fantastic year, and I have learnt a lot of things, both about the subjects I've been studying and about myself. If nothing else, it has shown me, after years of doubt, that I am capable of persuing education further. 

I have met some...interesting people in my short time here (I can't believe it's only been 9 months!) and I will stay in contact with some now that we've finished! At the start of the year I was out of my comfort zone as I, generally, try to avoid contact with people. However, as the year has gone on, I have become better at feigning interest and displaying the correct emotion. That's a win in my book!

I have achieved, so far, a near perfect run of top grades, with the final few assignments awaiting grading now. Hopefully, I should find out the results within the next week or so. I have developed a good study habit and feel I am well prepared for the future. Until then though, it's time to relax, do some recreational reading, catch up on some painting and watch some Doctor Who.

What about after the Summer though, I hear you asking with barely contained interest? Well, it's off to uni for me (The University of Sheffield, to be specific) to study history. I'm a little nervous, but am confident that I will continue to grow and improve both as a student and a person.

It's a bit of a bland post, I know, but it's a big deal for me. Today marks the end of this stage in my life. Here's to the future!

Keep it real guys,

J-Fuzz out!

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